AMA: Fee-For-Service Revenue Share by ACO Participation Status in 2018

  1. Medicare ACO participant: 62.5% of practice revenue came from FFS
  2. Medicare ACO non-participant: 79.2% of practice revenue came from FFS
  3. Medicaid ACO participant: 57.6% of practice revenue came from FFS
  4. Medicaid ACO non-participant: 78.9% of practice revenue came from FFS
  5. Commercial ACO participant: 61.4% of practice revenue came from FFS
  6. Commercial ACO non-participant: 80.5% of practice revenue came from FFS
Notes: From an article entitled, "Payment and Delivery in 2018: Participation in Medical Homes and Accountable Care Organizations on the Rise While Fee-for-Service Revenue Remains Stable"

Source: The American Medical Association, September 2019 -…